Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ragnar Cape Cod 2014 Pt 2 - A Week Later

Let's start with my best little gal pal. Miss Emma. Waking up Fri morn getting ready while we wait for Kyle (in van 2) and his mom Linda (volunteer) to pick up Nancy and me.

We have our backpacks, blankets, pillows, etc and most importantly Gina's brownies, mint choc, and snickers/peanut butter.
Kyle drops us off in Plymouth (he was heading to Hull to the start) so we can meet up with our new van mates and team mates and NOW.......friends.  We wait for Amy (Nancy's sister) to pick us up in the van. so we can go decorate and get more food. We need to get to Duxbury for our first exchange, It was cloudy and a little chilly but not too bad. Although the wind was howling in Duxbury.

We truly got a long and had a lot to laugh about and clearly, we respected each other and had each others back. We knew it was going to be a LONG 24 plus hours. Lisa ("Because I Can") is the Ragnar Expert. It was fun listening to her share her adventures. I'm digressing.....

 Funny sign on highway that Kyle and I noticed.  Later in the van, so happy to finish my first leg and lie down. You have to excuse me because I'm kind of all over the place and that's because I can't set the frickin' pics set up correctly.....UGH!

Nancy get us in a shot before Lisa (tallest one) goes off in Duxbury and of course I have to stick my face in there. Betsy and Beth are on either side. Brian (Beth's husband) might be in the van resting his rocket legs.

Lisa and I had to get this pic!!!

So here we go around 9:30/9:45 pm, I'm waiting for the hand off from Brian. We were in the Cedar ville section of Plymouth. Very near my old stomping grounds, but how strange to run these back roads in the dark. Thankfully I saw a few blinking lights and security.
Thinking that I already know the roads would be pitch black, I just ran faster to get to the Canal which I did! 4.6 miles at for me. Passed the wrist let off to Nancy and she was off!!! She was runner 12 and then we could rest and meet up with van 1.
I decided NOT to sleep in the gym but only got an hour or maybe 2 hours of sleep before I knew we'd be up early for our next round.  It's really too bad that there wasn't more camaraderie between the vans, as I know we would have had fun.

Moving right along.....we were listening to all sorts of music and discussing blogs. I loved listening to the girls talk about their blogs and babies; adventures, other races they've run, etc. Amy and I had a few of our silliness, as I was going nuts not having any sleep because I went off again around 6/6:15am. The weather was beautiful and the roads were peaceful. Some beautiful trail roads with scenic marshlands. It was only 2.5 miles, might have a few more, but I ran as fast as I could knowing I would vomit any second.
Brian was awesome as "Meb" the rocket. He was runner 10.  Pictured below is Beth and him. She's a rock star runner too.

Our fabulous van driver Amy, who seriously, moved that van like nobody's business. I tried to navigate at one point but I was hopeless.

No pics from middle part leg 23, but my 35th leg started around Truro, and the back roads were tough mutha' effers!!!! Hills! Headwinds!!! Final run was yellow and black with my tutu. I fell on a trail, and had some scrapes but got back and ran with tears, but they dried fast. I partly fell on my hip too as it was tough running on the sandy path so my body twisted when I fell. Oh well! Two great guys stopped to make sure I was ok. GRATEFUL. I hope they saw my comment on the Ragnar page on FB.
 Yeah the dunes and below my last exchange with Brian who continued to fly!
I had to move fast as I was worried about us losing time from my fall. Nancy had to take off for 9.6 miles!!
I kept thinking I want to celebrate with everyone and sadly, that didn't end up happening. Oh well. Shit happens.

And we made it to this wonderful Pilgrims monument!!

 But how about this finish!!! I simply smile every time I look at it. Nancy had a difficult run that final leg and yet she dug deep and kicked royal tushie!! I so wish I had a margherita in my hand for her;(

We've talked about running this relay for 2 years!!! Now, it's over but with terrific memories and hope people stay in contact.  Maybe a celebration drink at another race???
Here's how it ends, after Nancy and I are dropped off,  "Hey Auntie Jill, did you run a lot? Are you tired?"  I replied, "Hey Emm, selfie time!!"

YES YES YES....I would run another relay if someone will have a slow poke:)
We ended up 71/334 in our division.....I think is fantastic!!!

Anywhooooooo, you want to read recaps from the Pros? See and Beth's blog, Running Around my Kitchen and Nancy's, Living the Dream. Click on their highlighted names above.

Tuesday.....I'll be in Boston to volunteer for Boston's Run to Remember, as I get the race packets ready for the weekend. I'll be heading north to South Portland for a little cycling:)
Time for a change until the next race (June 8th - Runners World Half ).


  1. It was so fun!! I would do it again too ;)

  2. Great recap!!!! So happy we were part of the same team!

  3. It was so great to meet you and be on the same team together! Hopefully we can do it again one day :)

  4. Looks you had a great time! I love the sign.

  5. I met your hat guy at the expo on Saturday
