Sunday, August 31, 2014

September brings a new beginning and virtual races!

September brings a new start...a happy new year (hopefully) in my tribe! The Jewish New Year begins and so does school.....but anyway......

I've gone away into hiding this summer from blogging, as I haven't wanted to discuss my foot. Truthfully, how many times do you, out there in blogger world, want to hear about it. NOT.
I did sign up for a few races. I'll do what I can because after my foot issues, I'm not out there to do any speed work. I did buy new sneakers: New Balance which are more stable. LOVE THEM! The 860v4.....thank you New Balance on Boylston St for a nice discount! I got a 2nd pair at the Greater Boston Running Co in Swampscott. Out with all of the others in the donation pile....well not ALL of them....hahahahaha! Still love the Brooks PureConnect.

I'm walk/jogging and biking 4 virtual races: (yes I said 4)......
                                             1/ Soaring (money goes to charity for children, so click on site if interested). Courtney heads up monthly virtual races. She's also on FB!
                                             2/ 11 on the 11th Site is on FB. This is also for charity, specifically veterans. 25 bucks gets you a medal and all the proceeds go to the charity. You can run, walk, bike, relay, swim, skateboard....whatever for 11 miles but it's recommended that you somehow carry an American flag.
                                             3/Beat the Blerch Google it. Hilarious story!!
                                             4/The Big 4-0 hosted by She's turning 40 (just a baby) and has terrific giveaways!!!!

The foot takes a long time to heal. That's all I know......and I am getting better and am back on the road.....SLOWLY. I've decided for Sept to volunteer for a race (Nahant 30K....kick ass course) and getting back to Spin classes.

This summer, regardless of my foot, I had a great time in Colorado biking and jogging on soft, mainly flat gravel paths. It's a beautiful place, and I met some great people. I'm going back out in Oct to do a bike ride with my friend Chuck in Grand Junction. I've never been to Grand Junction, which is near Moab (always wanted to run the half marathon there and Tania is doing it and wants me to go.....NOT).
Also spent time down the street watching the kids learn how to sail. If only they would have let me in with the kids! Who wants to be with adults? Not me!

No pics, no whining, just a quick update. You know where to find me and it won't be on FB. some of my new #Oiselle and #INKnBURN run wear. Also check out #Running4thosewhocan't (#R4twc) Raul started this project and has shirts and hats you can order from him.


  1. Thanks for the shout out for running with ollie. I hope your foot gets better quickly!

  2. If you get to GJ let me know I have an old friend that lives there if you need anything.
