Friday, April 3, 2015

Happy April; Happy Spring

Oh hi! Remember me?
I can't believe that pic was in January! My birthday….celebrating at the Denver Art Museum. It was a great weekend, but inside I felt lousy…..and that's because I knew my weight was up and my running mileage was zilch. Walking wasn't doing anything for me, but I walked A LOT and biked.
I stayed strong and didn't get back to truly running until mid March. Plus, a new teaching job for me at the start of March with A LOT of hallway walking (details later).

Now it's April and I calculated my mileage for March = 41.75 WOW!!! 

Here it is in a nutshell, well sort of:
I'm jogging slowly with one setback so far, and I move ahead, including once again, changing my shoes. Out with New Balance and back to Brooks! Mom and dad bought me Brooks Ravenna's and I love them! I'm still wearing the Asic Gel-Kayano's too. KTape foot and sometimes use the PF sock by Feetures!

I've also added weight training 2x a week: kettle bell dvd and my own routine with a little help from Jolene (we actually met on HCR- Hard Core Runners FB page and learned that we didn't live far from each other!). Finally, I really try hard to do the Tae Bo workout, but if not, I started a few challenges this month #RockYourCore (abs) sponsored by Fitness, Health, & Happiness and Plank A Day challenge sponsored by Boston Road Runners.

I've also cut back on sweets (oh believe me I still eat a cookie or hot fudge sundae), down-sized my meals, and eating little bits along the day so I'm not starving at supper. I still love to drink wine but not daily and/or more than 2 glasses when I go out. Vodka only for my mixed drink, when I do.
I'm not saying I gained a lot, but enough where I felt uncomfortable and very unhappy with myself. I'm sure the lack of cardio affected my bodily image;( Of course, my birthday present from Nancy made my day when she included her YUMMY chocolate chip cookies, as she knows I LOVE!!

So I have been losing, slowly (guess it comes with being 53 yrs old), and I'm back to drinking a lot of water. My snacks: pretzel sticks and nuggets from Trader Joe's, ruby red grapefruit, apples, bananas, Honey Stinger chews (in moderation), different kinds of nuts, Skinny popcorn (not bad at all), peanut butter,….just name a few, (I STILL LOVE CHEESE!!).

Here's the next update:
PT = massaging, KT and specialized taping, foot adjustments (some cracking), ultra sounds, and many stretches and heel raises. Basically, I have extremely tight calves and achilles.  I'm also doing a lot of dynamic moves (leg swings) to work out my hips. Yes, they don't call me a Minnie Mighty Mouse for nothing….just a whole lot of muscle and tightness going on (trying or more like, attempting yoga poses too which I look absolutely ridiculous). I used the Alter Gravity treadmill which is totally cool!!

I'm getting stronger at biking. It's been fun riding my pink bike more than my road bike. Steve's been very patient with me even when he gets a little TOO nerdy about it, but is good natured. He really is an expert. He worked in the bike industry.

 Loving my new biking gear from John and Gina for my birthday!! Including a Starbuck's gift card (she knows me too well).

I'll sign off here with this picture, that absolutely speaks volumes of myself and fellow athletes (runners) - Isn't it the truth:)?

To be continued….as my life turns… long for now


  1. Loved reading your update! I am so glad you are able to run again! Sounds like you are settling into the Wild West quite nicely.

    1. I'm settling into the "Wild" but still refuse to buy a cowboy hat! hahahahaha! Love seeing your posts! You look fabulous!!

  2. Replies
    1. VERY cool! Bumped into another person wearing the same jacket when I was riding a few weeks ago! I stopped him and ironically, he knew my dad!!

  3. So glad that you are getting back out there! I hate it when I am injured or sick (and was both in Feb/Mar) because I do feel just like you are talking about...a bit out of shape and unhappy with myself! We need those runs/workouts to get our serotonin levels up!!

    1. Ugh! So sorry to hear that Ky. It really brings your whole heart and soul down, like you'll never recover. Hope you're healing.

  4. Can't wait to hear more about the new teaching gig :) Happy your on the mend!
